Once a script is recorded using LoadRunner tool, one can
notice 4 different tabs as part of the output window. This article is all about
these tabs and their usage. The 4 tabs that you notice are:
- Replay Log
- Recording Log
- Correlation Results
- Generation Log
Let us start the way these logs are generated.
Recording Log:
When a script is being recorded, the Virtual User Generator
records all the communication that has happened between the client and the server
into a log called “Recording Log.” Though this is not in a much readable
format, the recording log will be the base for the generation log.
The option Regenerate script (Navigate to tools à Regenerate script)
works purely using the recording log. If the recording log is missing, the script
cannot be regenerated with different recording options
Generation Log:
Generation contains the information about the recording
options used for the script, the request header, request body, response header
and response body and the function that simulates the request. This function
may be varied based on the recording options used.
The generation log content may be changed based on the
recording options that are used and for the generation Log, recording log is
input file
Once generated, the contents of the recording and generation
logs are not altered
Replay Log
This log displays the output when the script is replayed.
This log is helpful to debug the script and
customize the script. The contents of this log file can be controlled
based on the run time settings (Vuser à
Run Time settings à
Log à
either standard log or extended log)
The output functions like lr_output_message,
lr_log_message() and lr_error_message() would write their content to the Replay
Correlation Results
Once a script is recorded and replayed, the script can be verified for the dynamic
data. The option “Scan for correlations”
is used to compare the recording and
replay data and to highlight the dynamic data if any. The script can be correlated
directly from this tab and this is one form of auto correlating the script.
As it compares the recording time data and the replay data,
it is always necessary to have the “data” folder inside the script folder
I believe this article is informative and helpful.
Nice piece of information.